23 January 2011
I learnt so many things.
I learnt that you should cherish what's in front of you if you wanna keep it.
I learnt that we shouldn't take things for granted.
I learnt that i was so stupid.

Maybe emotions and passion aren't that important after all, and intelligence is dominating the world. Everything revolves around intelligence; and it has only caused destruction. I've seen it, not all, but enough for now. I don't know if i live in a world of doubt but that's what i need now, isn't it?

Life have been hectic.
School, homework, tests, tumour, cancer, hospitals...
Everything jumbled into one. So why am i still so cold? Why can't i even feel any tinge of worry or anxiety?
I go home every evening, eat with my eyelids quasi-falling, do my homework with nonchalance, then sleep and the cycle repeats.
I've been waiting for things to turn different and right now, as it does, my temper flares and everything crops up.

WHoa you know what, i think that its true after all.
You can't be trusted if you cannot trust.